The program counts on financial resources from PUC-Rio, CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and companies with research and development contracts.

Students accepted onto our academic graduate courses full-time may receive grants from CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ or other research funding agencies, monthly compensation (24 months for master’s and 48 months for doctoral students), and full exemption from tuition fees. Part-time students may receive partial exemption from tuition fees from PUC-Rio or CAPES in proportion to the time they will be devoting to the course. Teachers and professors working full-time at other institutions and civil servants (from federal government and from Rio de Janeiro state) are exempt from tuition fees.

Scholarships and exemption of tuition fees are granted for one semester and may or may not be renewed depending on the student’s academic performance. Candidates from other American countries may apply for a PEC/PG grant from CAPES and CNPq through consular agencies. Those candidates should seek information at the Brazilian Consulate in his or her country at least one year prior to the date scheduled for their first enrollment.



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