Area of Work

The Power Systems Laboratory (LSE) at PUC-Rio engages in research and development in the computer simulation of problems associated with the operation and planning of electrical power systems. Its mission is to create software tools that assist the comprehension of the phenomena, the analysis of the problems, and the development of applications. Its competencies include the development of computational tools applicable to the different segments of the electricity sector.

Brief Background

LSE was created in 1975 in recognition of the potential for the use of computational tools for simulation and analysis in the electricity sector. It is a research partner of CEPEL/Eletrobras, and is equipped with personal computers, printers and a set of software commonly used in the industry.

Importance / Impacts

The tools and applications developed by LSE have been transferred to industry through specific contracts, agreements and R&D projects regulated by the electricity sector regulatory agency, ANEEL. LSE also has agreements and projects with research groups from other universities from Brazil (UFMA, UNESP, UNIOESTE) and abroad (UCLM, Spain).

We are currently involved in a project in partnership with the Brazilian Wind Energy Association for the creation of a Brazilian wind energy research network.

Contact Information
Lead Professor(s):
Ricardo B. Prada

Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, sala L447 – Gávea – Rio de Janeiro – RJ

(+55 21) 3527-1228 

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